Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Job ads make me cringe

I live in Kirkland, WA now.  This is a big change, and frankly a big distraction from the job hunt.  But I am here now, and settled enough to turn my focus back to finding some long term solution to my job situation.  Today, I applied for a part time job as a teller at Wells Fargo.  I can't really explain why, but it made me really happy to apply for a job where I met all the qualifications, would be a change of scene enough that I wouldn't be bored by the second day.  Having something to do part-time would make me feel much more confident about how long it is taking me to find something full-time.  But I think what really made me happy was the job ad wasn't too optimistic about who might qualify for this position.  Can you interact with people, keep track of cash and stand on your feet for most of the day? Then you can do this job.  Oh phew.

Then I went on to looking at more bio-relevant jobs.  Do you have a PhD, years of postdoc but still have retained your enthusiasm for tedious, high risk, low reward work?  Then throw your hat in the ring!  Are you an innovator, whose ideas are about to change the world and make our companies millions?  We'd like to talk to you.  I am recalling a cartoon that I can't find now that had two panels, the first, titled The Job, was an image of heaven.  The second, titled, The Candidate, showed a super hero flying through the air.  Below it read simply, Everyone Lies.  I know I need to get over this intimidation factor about positions.  They are always written to describe the Ideal Candidate, not necessary a candidate that would be acceptable for hiring. 

Regardless, I am back in the job market, ready to show my face and start making connections locally.

1 comment:

  1. the most recent issue of Discover magazine has an article on something called scienceforcitizens.net about a woman whose career path you might find interesting. "Sciencecheerleader.com ??

    Or maybe not . . .
